

1039 Budapest
Attila utca 20.


Mobil: +36 30 173-3226

Telefon: +36 1 240 3373




  • From Népliget take tram 1 or 1/a, go to Árpád bridge, change and take the HÉV to Szentendre and get off at Római Fürdő station, our hotel is 400 m from the mentioned station.
  • From Nyugati train station take tram 4 or 6, go to Margit bridge, change and take the HÉV to Szentendre, get off at Római fürdő station, our hotel is 400 m from the station.
  • From Keleti train station take M2 metro and go to Batthyany tér, change and take the HÉV to Szentendre and get off at Római Fürdő station, our hotel is 400 m from the station.

By car or bus from M1 or M7 from Budaörsi street through Alkotás street towards the Árpád bridge follow road 11 to Szentendre, Visegrád and Esztergom. We are after CsillagVár shopping center.

From the airport take the airport minibus, you can request for it at the airport minibus desk (approx 14EUR).